Friday, January 30, 2009

Level 41, then lots of death

So, last night I started playing with only about 1/4th of the experience left in order to level up from 40 to 41. This has probably been my longest time gap for leveling so far due to running around doing Lunar Festival stuff for the last few days.

So, I get rested XP through most of the remaining level and after about 15 minutes I am up to 41. I was in Feralas grinding and skinning, so I kept going for another 15 minutes or so in order to build up some goods and level up Gwen.

So, after Gwen was good and leveled and I had acquired enough leather to satisfy me for the time being, it was off to Far Post in Ashenvale in my quest to complete gathering all of the Coins of Ancestry that I could.

So, I had already collected the Elders of the Alliance 3 coin set and had about half of all other coins, but none of the Elders of the Horde. My plan was to fly to Far Post, then ride over the Azshara for the first coin of the night, and then pick up the two in Winterspring. Next, I would fly down to Ratchet and then mosey over to Orgrimmar for my first Elder Horde coin. Then I would make a beeline to Thunder Bluff for my second. I would finish out the night be heading south and picking up the coins in Un’Goro, Tanaris, and Sililthus.

I knew that this might be a bit of a lofty goal for a few hours of play, but I set my sights and took off. I flew to Far Post and then took off east only to realize that I was heading into the wrong zone. I turned around, got my bearings and got on the path to Azshara. I quickly found the flight point at the beginning of the area and even got a new bow, but alas, this was the last that things would go right for quite a while.

I rode into the heart of Azshara with the wide-eyed wonder of exploring a new area. However, before long I saw that the road completely ended and there were Naga creatures everywhere. So, I tried to figure out the right course to take and rode like the wind through the middle of the ruins. I made it a decent way in, but eventually ran into a dead end. So, after resting for a bit, I remounted and decided to make a run for the coast, hoping that the monsters would be thinner there. Boy was I wrong!

I died about five times between my charge to the beach and actually making it to “graveyard” for the area. I even tried to swim out into the water, only to find that giants patrolled it. There were also murlocs, crab things, and hydras in the water to make me rethink my plan.

So, I finally made it to the graveyard and found a murloc and a hydra just in the water, making me keep to the coast. Luckily, at this point I could follow the coast without having to worry about too many mobs. I skirted all around the mid to south eastern coast of Azshara hoping to find a way up the steep cliffs that begin in the water, up to the Elder I was looking for. After running through some breaks in the cliffs and dieing a few times from murlocs and such, I made it around the bend. However, much to my dismay there was still no way up. So, I had already spent allot of time in this area and knew that I would have to back track most of the way. So, I went back around the coast and made it back to the graveyard without dieing, which was a feat in itself. Next, I found a path up to the mainland without having to mess with the Nagas again and made my way towards the cliffs where the Elder was.

I ran around the Ogres and got blown off by the dragon spirit, which by the way was one of the coolest things I have seen so far in the game. I then died from some sort of bird spitting fireballs at me, but eventually found the bridges to connect the three mountains. I made it over the second bridge and was finally in the area where the elder was. However, I quickly died again. It took a couple of minutes to get my spirit back to my body and by this time, a higher-level character had come through and wiped the mobs.

So, with an idea of where he was, I took off running. I found out after only a few steps that the Elder was just in front of me and barely out of sight. So, I quickly ran to him, got my coin, and immediately hearthstoned back to Feralas.

This journey took probably around 2 hours total for one coin. So, completely disgusted, I logged off for the night. Here is the comepletely time consuming path I took that night.

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